Course Overview

To work in care is to make a positive difference to someone’s life when they are faced with physical, practical, social, emotional or intellectual challenges. Adult Care Workers need to have the right values and behaviours developing competences and skills to provide high quality compassionate care and support. They are the frontline staff who help adults with care and support needs to achieve their personal goals and live as independently and safely as possible, enabling them to have control and choice in their lives which is at the heart of person centred care. Job roles are varied and determined by and relevant to the type of the service being provided and the person supported. Adult Care Workers may work in residential or nursing homes, domiciliary care, day centres, a person’s own home or some clinical healthcare settings. This standard covers both Adult Care Workers and Personal Assistants. Personal assistants do the same job as an Adult Care Worker and work directly for one individual usually within their own home. Working with people, feeling passionate about supporting and enabling them to live a more independent and fulfilling life is a rewarding and worthwhile job that provides excellent career opportunities.

These are the personal attributes and behaviours expected of all Adult Care Workers carrying out their roles

  • Care – is caring consistently and enough about individuals to make a positive difference to their lives
  • Compassion – is delivering care and support with kindness, consideration, dignity and respect
  • Courage – is doing the right thing for people and speaking up if the individual they support is at risk
  • Communication – good communication is central to successful caring relationships and effective team working
  • Competence – is applying knowledge and skills to provide high quality care and support
  • Commitment – to improving the experience of people who need care and support ensuring it is person centred.

Entry Requirements

  • Learners should be at least 16 years old.
  • Valid DBS
  • E/3 Maths and English and above or GCSE grade D.
  • Functional skills Maths and English completion.

Assessment Method

Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in a qualification. Each learner must create a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates achievement of all the learning outcomes, all course units must be a pass and show competence in a real work environment.

Application Process

Applications for vacancies are completed by getting in touch with us either by phone or email on 0208 470 4219 and respectively.

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